One Amiga World
Under Construction! 05/07/1999: The World Map pages have been waiting for ages, as decent maps have been hard to come by (so we'll have to make do) and most user groups of the world are obviously not interested in getting in touch and telling us about themselves. This stuff will definitely be finished after WoA '99 sometime though...promise.
SEAL Amiga User Groups World Map Project

User Group World Map Project

Status Update

Seal is still getting British user group data in, at We have a representative in America, collating the user group data for there....Alan Crandall. Please send him any user group info. from that country to In Australia, AUGWA have taken up the reins for data collecting.......send to John Bath at Rhino is busy formulating the Arexx program, which will convert the geographical (longtitude/latitude) data into a graphical form on the maps. And we're still searching for the perfect maps to use. We need a whole world's full, but we're getting there. We're busy choosing user-groups from other countries, to collate their data as well.

What it all About?

SEAL, in conjunction with Team AMIGA, are producing a world map, of Amiga user groups.
It will have an overview of the world in the top layer, and the user can choose a region to take a closer look at. The user can then home in on the country/area of their interest, and see which areas are represented by which user groups.
The map will have two purposes....
A) To show a user where he/she can join a user group in their area.
B) And more importantly, to allow Team AMIGA to see where there is no user group represented, and try to organise one for that area.

Just the facts, Ma'am

We need you, the user groups of the world, to tell us the details of the area you cover. E-mail us with:
  1. The name of your group.
  2. the name of the city/town that is the epicentre of your user group area, and which county/state, and country.
  3. An e-mail contact, if we need to ask for more information.
  4. Your address & contact number, for non-netizens.
  5. And any website you have, or other info. we may find useful.

for exaple: SEAL would be:

  1. SEAL (South Essex Amiga Link)
  2. Basildon, Essex, England
  4. 32 Vaughan Williams Road, Laindon, ESSEX, SS15 5RG. (01234) 567-890

We're working on an Arexx script that will allow us to enter a map reference as the user groups epicentre.
At the moment we'll be collecting all the info., but be concentrating on Great Britain first. We'll be asking user groups from different countries to colour in the maps once we have a good collection user groups in their country.
thanks, and hope to hear from you soon (If we don't contact you first).